Reflection - how I finished strong within 4 months!

I started Flatiron School when I realized I wanted to change careers and could incorporate my passion of computers into a career.

PetFolio React-Redux-App with Material UI

First of all, I want to get it out of my chest, I finished! This was probably the most technically challenging project I attempted so far. However, I was able to get through with a simple application and am very relieved about it.

JS Single Page Application

I created this application as a simple way of organizing deliveries for certain farmers. The application only has two models being used: farmer and delivery. A farmer has many deliveries and deliveries belong to a farmer. This is the simplest relationship in rails that satisfies the constraints of this project.

Why I am doing this

I used to tell people all the time that you don’t need a bachelor’s degree to do anything worth while in the world. I would say, if I could do it all over again, I wouldn’t have gone to college to learn it is what I am doing now or I would have studied something else completely.


I wanted to create a simple app that anyone can use and is intuitive enough that its really easy to navigate through. CreatiVault is an application where users can upload a photo of their creation and share it with everyone.